Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Felicidades para la Graduada

San Francisco, May 23 2010-
Renie Joie got her Bachelor in Sciences
in Physiology with a minor in Holistic Health
with honors from San Francisco State University.

From different corners of the world her family
recorded or wrote their congratulations for her.
Mami put the little package together and
she received this video with a $1000 check.

The Contributors to this gift were:
Avery, Matt, Felix Didi Mambo Jambo Troupe
Skylr & Jade
Mamaquerida I, Mamaquerida II
Tia Susanna
Tia Bethina
Chris, Nicole, Isabella & Savannah Traveling Circus
Beatriz & Michael
(hope I didn't miss someone)

Other friends and family members are still sending in
their cards and congratulations to Renie Joie.
She is thrilled to hear from you.

Renie says ¡GRACIAS A TODOS!
(and if you didn't send her one.... is never too late)

In order of appearance: Mami, Papi, Avery y su Combo, Skylr & Jade, Mamaquerida, Tio Alfredo, Teresa (tio's girlfriend) Mamaquerida II, Mamaquerida, Johanna, Carlos Eduardo, Luis Alejandro, Susanna, Bethina y su combo, Anabella y Nelson, Nelson y Nacho, Antonella con Renie, Antonella, Isabella y Fiorella (twice), Tio Daniel el padrino y Nathaly y Bethina.


Blogger Jocelyn Behrens Blackwood said...

Le deseamos muchísimo éxito a Renie en su carrera, estamos muy orgullosos de ella y todo el empeño que siempre le puso a sus estudios. Renie: Congratulations and all the best for you in this new begging! Love, Jocy and Thomas

May 27, 2010 at 9:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Mi niña bonita, recibe todo mi amor y mi mas grande admiracion al fin lo lograste te felicito, desde este rinconcito de amor en venezuela te deseo el mejor de los triunfos y, sigue adelante te acompañaremos siempre te amamos tia johanna la yoja , y el primo Mauricio

May 30, 2010 at 5:54 PM  

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