Friday, April 29, 2022

Skylr is 33!

At some point I stopped writing here regularly.  Today I will copy two messages to Skylr from his sisters.

From Renie Joie:

Dear Sky,
I often credit you with being the coolest guy I know.
And it’s true! I could go on and on and sing your praises. I mean- you are pretty much good at everything you do: ⛷🏂 🥷🏍👨‍🚒🏄‍♂️ 🏌️ 🚤 🏒🎾🏀 🥏🏕🏔🏆🥇… and you do a lot (much more than there are emojis).
But what I love most is your authenticity. You are the person, most comfortable in their own skin, that I know. And I admire that. This is the type of self-love and comfort we all aspire to and what makes you so magnetic.
So grateful to have such a wonderful little (big) bro in my corner. Have loved watching you grow and develop into the incredible man, father, husband, friend you are today. While never losing that youthful lust for life and adventure you’ve always had.
Te quiero mucho. Happy birthday 🎂.

- Big sis. 

From Avery:


It was so awesome spending time with you and your family over Easter. It made me realise how long it’s been since we had any quality time together and it made me want some MORE! I loved getting to know you again - not as my 12 year old little brother- but as a fun-loving, adventurous, supercool, grown up dude man. I love you, Skylie!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Indiana Jones Penna

On August 9th, 2018 Indiana was born... sometime during the night,  I think.
This time I didn't make it, he was 7 days early.  That's OK, exactly what Maura desired, to have him as soon as Skylr got back from the fires for his 2-week stay.

Indiana is perfect, just as every one of my grandchildren.  He also knows he needs to be good and sleep so Mama Maura has the energy to do everything she desires during the day, including training for a marathon and practicing boxing after the kids are asleep.  Yes, Maura is also a super hero!

Rydr noticed the changes at home: extra people, extra baby, four adults to satisfy his every desire, which he had many.  We took him to our campground, to the park, to the beach.  He is a great kiddo who is starting to repeat every word he hears and has the funny characteristic of not knowing yet the difference between yes and no so he uses these two words interchangeably.  Do you want to take a nap? He'll say yes when he means no.  But he also knows it is always up to the adult to do whatever they please.  This is a frustrating thing for a child.  Ha ha ha, Rydr, welcome to the real world!

I loved staying in Tahoe with the happy family for three weeks.  I needed to come back and work.  Glad that I am loving what I'm doing because it is tough: Indiana vs Movie: Indiana wins!

Champagne for Indiana!

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Super Heroes

(double click images to enlarge but.... I typed it too!)

Cobb Mountain June 29, 2013

Dear Renie, Avery and Skylr, 
I started to write this letter on my last day of Noble Silence (my retreat). There was a long intro that I'm going to skip but basically it said that I had some realizations during the retreat and here are some thoughts I had about your superpowers (and of course this is from my perspective)

Renie Joie, you were born with super powers: super-aware and sensitive.  Born feet first, eyes wide open, not crying, just observing all around you. Perfect little Renie was a good girl, liked to follow the rules and be praised for doing a good job. Loving, caring and always ready to be patient.  Homework was often hard for you so you developed one of your greatest superpowers: determination.  Whatever you put your mind into, you certainly accomplish.  As every super hero with super powers does, you have your weaknesses.  Two that I see pop up are: 1) deep attachment to some things… you have a hard time letting go and this can cause you misery for years! (i.e. a stolen shirt, a broken car, etc.)  The other is deep aversion for things that are entirely out of your control.  No need to go into deep explanations, it makes you angry if it is a cold day.  Not logical, but it happens.

Avery March, one of your superpowers became obvious at birth too.  You were born practically by yourself.  No help needed, just someone to catch you.  Fiercely independent, able to figure things out on your own, plowing through school, sports, moving abroad, choosing a husband with poise… not necessarily inner confidence but your sheer boldness shoots out as if you knew exactly what you are doing.  It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not…EVERYONE around you thinks you do. And it's helped by your sharp intellect.  I think you can connect the dots and compute faster than anyone I know.  Your kryptonite is your volatility, those changes of heart.  One day you love with passion and other you hate with passion.  Or it can happen with your mood.  One moment you are exuding joy and the next you'd like the world to end NOW!  Another of your weakness is your fear of failure.  You want to keep your appearance just right.  You wrote a script for yourself: I am this, that and the other and you'll die to keep up with this.  Let' call it super-arrogance.  But underneath that, you keep your other superpower: you have a heart of gold.  Underneath the tumultuous zippy energy, your love and compassion for all around you is deeply felt.  And we, your family, always "feel the love" Oh yeah!

Skylr, you were as unplanned as Avery and Renie were.  Once I got over the surprise and the first three months of pregnancy, we were very much nurturing each other.  I was worried that the initial reaction to this surprise under dire circumstances (Papi and me not getting along) would make you an upset and cranky baby but just the opposite happened.  You popped out surrounded by love and you smiled.  Smiley should have been your name.  I couldn't have asked for a happier and more content child.  You were a gift, still are, with the super power of equanimity.  The way you see things devoid of drama and extreme emotion is uncanny.  The time this power showed through the most was when you found Papi and how you handled it.  You have the greatest sense of balance.  We admire you, not to mention how you step in the rink, so cool, calm and collected.  Then, add to that the power of charm.  You are sweet, joyful, courteous.  Everyone falls in love with you quite easily because you exude sweetness.  Your Achille's tendon may be your lack of discipline.  Your volition is there, your intent clear, but it gets forgotten, dissipated unless you have a whip striking behind you.  You can be the king of procrastination, unless you have a Papi or Kru or a strong male coach. 

Renie Joie, Avery and Skylr… you are amazing people.  I am so proud! You are my heroes.
with love Mami 2013

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Penna-Couttenye-Richardson Annual Report 2011

Click on the pictures to see them large (and downloadable)


Rennea turned 49, traveled to Tulum, Oregon, Venezuela, Baltimore-Washington-NY, Yosemite (3x) In October she quit Windrush School and landed a better job at The Berkeley School.  She sang in Napa every Friday she was in town. Her three birdies have flown so her empty nest has been inhabited by roommates whose financial contribution allow her the ease of a part-time job and time to play (music, travel, nature walks)


Renie Joie turned 26, got accepted with a full scholarship to Johns Hopkins for an Accelerated Nursing Program which will end in July 2012. She made the big move and settled in no more that 3 days and dove into schoolwork.  She went to Tulum with Mami, Avery and tia Susi in February, looking for adventures in the cenotes or the ruins, but that was just a little break.  She is back in the grind. That's mainly what she does: school!


Avery turned 25 and came twice to the US,  and took Felix and Didi for a visit to Venezuela to meet their great-great-grandmother. She teaches Spanish and singing to kids.  In October she started at the University of London,  a Baccalaureate career in Spanish and Italian.  She is a back-up singer to Lucky to be Alive.  She is often seen with Matt in rock concerts wearing very high heels, or dancing salsa, or climbing.  Hard to keep-up!


Skylr worked in Lake Tahoe most of the year.  The winter as a Ski Patrol and summer as a Watercraft Inspector.  He keeps busy taking courses at Lake Tahoe Community College and applying for possible firefighter jobs within CA.  If any one has a lead please pass it on!  He was an amazing cool-headed mature guy dealing with Michael's left-over situations.  Also, he had very bad luck with cars this year but he is still intact and took the World Welter Weight Championship on October 8th.  Any contenders?


 Papi, (Michael)  passed away on April 8th.  The four of us went to Yosemite to scatter his ashes and say goodbye. We don't talk much about it,  but I'm certain we all feel a very big hole.  Skylr and I celebrated Michael's 61st b-day in October at his house with his dear friends.


I'll have to get Avery or Matt to continue with Felix and Didi's report as I'm too far away to know details.

Keep in touch!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Las Ociosas en Acción en Tulum

Just what we do when we hang out!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Celebro Tus Ojos

- para Didi en su cumpleaños # 2


En este día celebro tus ojos

ojitos vivaces, oscuros e intensos

ojos que delatan tu mente inquieta

inquieta por encima de lo que tu cuerpecito responde

responde a grito pela'o, risas, cacajadas o amargo llanto

llanto que refleja la agonía de una niña pequeña

pequeña como tú, pero grande en esperanzas y sueños

sueño dificil de conciliar cuando se piensa tanto

tanto mas quiero saber qué pasa por esa cabecita

cabecita cubierta de curlos dorados con pegoste

pegoste de avena, cacerola de pollo o pasta con queso

Pasta con queso que demandarás y medio plato va pa'a suelo

suelo de tierras británicas donde vives, muy lejos

lejos de tu memé que en tu cumpleaños te celebra

celebra que en dos años te ha visto quizá dos meses

meses que se fugan, pero aún así, 

sigo enamorada de tí.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Three Kids and Papi in Yosemite

-for Renie Joie, Avery and Skylr from Mami

To Yosemite Renie Joie, Avery and Skylr went
oranges and peanut butter sandwiches helped the ascent
Three trekked up towards Nevada Falls quite happy
chocolate doughnuts, M&Ms, and in a box, was Papi.

Three kids through snow, rock fall and downed trees
they slid down close to a tree near an abyss
Cool misty Easter Sunday rain blew
although dangerous, Papi would have approved the view.

"Ring around the little tree
a pocket-full reserved for keeps
ashes, ashes, they all fell down."

Papi leaves his place and space, unfulfillable hole;
he loved his children deeply, he is the special one
who will always be a shining presence in their souls.
Papi in Yosemite, three kids move along, and of course,
life goes on.
