Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Tall Tree - Not a Tall Tale

Follow these instructions:
click on the picture of the tall tree
contemplate it's grandiosity and magnificence
on the window that opens up.
Scroll up and down the tree
then... only then, read the posting!

When we were at Stonelake Farm,
Mountain Man's abode, he invited us
to one of his "local" adventures:
to climb a tree. La Lune and Mesa watched.

We roped up and went in the evening
as the sun was setting.
Renie will have to describe her un-elegant way
of accomplishing this task.
What I can do is post a picture (see below)
of her climbing, but it is soooo far up
that is hard to spot her, can you?

Here she is at the top of the climb.
It was a great accomplishment being that
we were the first girls up the tree, WOW!

We had spirits and good spirit and
well-spirited we descended.
La Lune and Mesa were still there
loving that we were back
Isn't that sweet?

Campeón Walter Weight Junior

Peleador Skylr con su hermana, la afamada Renie Joie
minutos despues del espectacular evento

San Francisco, CA - El jóven Skylr Penna Couttenye
peleó el dia 18 de agosto contra el vietnamita
xxx xxx (imagínense un nombre vietnamita)
y ganó despues de cuatro rounds en los cuales
obviamente el joven peleador llevó la delantera
y demonstró fluidez y habilidad en este arte marcial
de Muay Thai que está tomando gran auge
entre el público norteamericano.

su orgullosa madre posa para una estatua
que será erigida en el centro de San Francisco