Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Penna-Couttenye-Richardson Annual Report 2011

Click on the pictures to see them large (and downloadable)


Rennea turned 49, traveled to Tulum, Oregon, Venezuela, Baltimore-Washington-NY, Yosemite (3x) In October she quit Windrush School and landed a better job at The Berkeley School.  She sang in Napa every Friday she was in town. Her three birdies have flown so her empty nest has been inhabited by roommates whose financial contribution allow her the ease of a part-time job and time to play (music, travel, nature walks)


Renie Joie turned 26, got accepted with a full scholarship to Johns Hopkins for an Accelerated Nursing Program which will end in July 2012. She made the big move and settled in no more that 3 days and dove into schoolwork.  She went to Tulum with Mami, Avery and tia Susi in February, looking for adventures in the cenotes or the ruins, but that was just a little break.  She is back in the grind. That's mainly what she does: school!


Avery turned 25 and came twice to the US,  and took Felix and Didi for a visit to Venezuela to meet their great-great-grandmother. She teaches Spanish and singing to kids.  In October she started at the University of London,  a Baccalaureate career in Spanish and Italian.  She is a back-up singer to Lucky to be Alive.  She is often seen with Matt in rock concerts wearing very high heels, or dancing salsa, or climbing.  Hard to keep-up!


Skylr worked in Lake Tahoe most of the year.  The winter as a Ski Patrol and summer as a Watercraft Inspector.  He keeps busy taking courses at Lake Tahoe Community College and applying for possible firefighter jobs within CA.  If any one has a lead please pass it on!  He was an amazing cool-headed mature guy dealing with Michael's left-over situations.  Also, he had very bad luck with cars this year but he is still intact and took the World Welter Weight Championship on October 8th.  Any contenders?


 Papi, (Michael)  passed away on April 8th.  The four of us went to Yosemite to scatter his ashes and say goodbye. We don't talk much about it,  but I'm certain we all feel a very big hole.  Skylr and I celebrated Michael's 61st b-day in October at his house with his dear friends.


I'll have to get Avery or Matt to continue with Felix and Didi's report as I'm too far away to know details.

Keep in touch!


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