Indiana Jones Penna
On August 9th, 2018 Indiana was born... sometime during the night, I think.
This time I didn't make it, he was 7 days early. That's OK, exactly what Maura desired, to have him as soon as Skylr got back from the fires for his 2-week stay.
Indiana is perfect, just as every one of my grandchildren. He also knows he needs to be good and sleep so Mama Maura has the energy to do everything she desires during the day, including training for a marathon and practicing boxing after the kids are asleep. Yes, Maura is also a super hero!
Rydr noticed the changes at home: extra people, extra baby, four adults to satisfy his every desire, which he had many. We took him to our campground, to the park, to the beach. He is a great kiddo who is starting to repeat every word he hears and has the funny characteristic of not knowing yet the difference between yes and no so he uses these two words interchangeably. Do you want to take a nap? He'll say yes when he means no. But he also knows it is always up to the adult to do whatever they please. This is a frustrating thing for a child. Ha ha ha, Rydr, welcome to the real world!
I loved staying in Tahoe with the happy family for three weeks. I needed to come back and work. Glad that I am loving what I'm doing because it is tough: Indiana vs Movie: Indiana wins!
Champagne for Indiana!